Lee County School District's Child Nutrition Department operates eleven cafeterias and one satellite cafeteria. These cafeterias serve approximately 2,000 breakfasts and 5,500 lunches on a daily basis. Our programs operate following USDA guidelines and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Child's Act of 2010.
Contact: Valerie Weivoda
Director of Child Nutrition
Lee County School District
LCSD Wellness Goal
All students in the Lee County School District shall possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food choices and enjoyable physical activity choices for a lifetime. All staff in the Lee County School District is encouraged to model healthful eating and physical activity as a valuable part of daily life.
Child Nutrition

My School Bucks - How It Works

MySchoolBucks is your online portal to see information and pay your student's school related fees such as meals, tuition, lab or library fees, athletic or club fees, sporting events, and more! Adding funds to your students account is easy:
First, access your account on MySchoolBucks and add your students. You make multiple deposits for each child.
Next, make a payment. The deposit amount can be placed against a credit card, debit card or your checking account. All payments are securely processed using our highly secure website and encryption. All payments are quickly credited to your students account.
Last, visit our School Store* to purchase other school related items.
Funds from the previous year will be credited to your child's account.