Have a safe and happy holiday break!
Maggie Brooke Brownlee, Hayden Martin, and Whitney Stacy represented Mooreville Bands at the Mississippi Bandmasters Association State Band Clinic in Natchez.
Congratulations to our very own Will Pate! Mr. Pate was recognized this past weekend as the 2024 Mississippi Bandmaster Association's A.E. McClain Young Band Director of the Year!
Mr. Mark Hitt with Modern Woodmen of America spoke with the Discovery classes on Friday. Mr. Hitt offered students advice before they participate in The Stock Market game next semester.
Our student council members had the best time helping The Salvation Army with the Angel Tree. This is one of our favorite service projects!
Mrs. Dutcher’s Cyber Foundations class worked on photo editing and graphic design by using the Pixlr platform. The students really enjoyed this unit and some got really good at editing and face swapping.
Congratulations to the Mooreville Middle School Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Rebecca Feather!
Congratulations to Mrs. Amy Patterson, our 2024-25 Mooreville Middle School Parent of the Year! We thank Mrs. Patterson for everything she does for our students, staff and community.
MMS Spelling Bee winners: 1st place - Warner Bryan, 2nd place - Victoria Long, and 3rd place - Blakeleigh Herndon
Here is information about this year's MMS Angel Tree.
A wonderful Veterans Day program today at Mooreville High/Middle!
Here is a 2025 summer opportunity from the Appalachian Regional Commission. Mrs. Griggs, career coach at the high school, has more details.
October 28 through November 1 is Red Ribbon Week at Mooreville Middle!
MMS Baseball 2025
UPDATE ON THE HOCO PARADE! Due to rainy weather, the parade has been moved to Wednesday, September 25, at 5:00pm. Line up will be at 4:00pm. Also, the community-wide pep rally has been canceled. Please see the flyer for more information. Thank you!
Here's a Patriot Day activity completed this week. Students created a September 11 collaborative poster and agamograph art. Good job, students.
Want to be on the yearbook staff? See Ms. Moya for more information.
What's the capital of...? Geography class has students learning the capitals of each state.
The schools and offices of the Lee County School District will be closed Monday, September 2, 2024, for Labor Day.
Thanks to Tupelo Church of God for providing our Middle School Football Troopers a pregame meal Monday evening! Congratulations on your win against Shannon!